Amazing Math Videos
I previously shared a post with my favorite reading skill videos, so now I'm back with amazing math videos to use for introducing and reinforcing math concepts. I asked teachers in our FREE Inspired In Upper Elementary Facebook group for their favorite math videos and compiled their answers, along with a few of my personal favorites, below!

As always, please be sure to preview these videos to make sure they are appropriate for your students before playing in a classroom.
The Best Math Video Channels
Math Antics and Number Rock were the most highly recommended YouTube math video creators with videos for almost every topic. Math Antics has neatly sorted playlists for easy browsing by topic. Number Rock, as the name implies, is packed with catchy songs.
Moo Moo Math and Science also has a robust library of math videos, with new options added daily.
BrainPOP is a popular option that you may already be familiar with. I love that they have supplemental resources to go along with the videos. You can also subscribe on their website for a larger library without ads. Ask your district about bulk subscription options!
If you're looking for specific videos by topic, here are more favorites.
Place Value
Upper elementary students already have a lot of place value experience, but that doesn't mean we can skip this skill! It's time to dig deeper and this decimal place value math video does a great job relating fractions to decimals.
For more place value ideas, check out this Complete Guide To Place Value post. You can download a FREE place value guide that's packed with book lists, lesson plans, anchor chart ideas, and more!
Multiplication is another foundational skill that math videos can help reinforce. Have Fun Teaching has several different options that help students memorize skip counting. Mr. Demaio covers popular songs with multiplication versions that are super silly and fun.
I have a large selection of multiplication blog posts to help your students master their math facts, dig into multiplying decimals, and work with factors/multiples too. These free multiplication strategy posters are a great place to start with review!
The mention of long division used to be enough to send shivers down my spine, but not now! Use this long division math video to take your students to the beach as they practice 2 digit divisors.
This long division post is packed with more division strategies and resources to complete your unit. Just like the multiplication posters above, you can download FREE strategy posters here to round out your unit.
After students have mastered the basics, it's time to go back and add…. DECIMALS! This alligator themed video is a nice place to start comparing decimals.
Then when you're ready to work with fractions and decimals together, this Number Rock relating fractions to decimals song will do the trick. I shared several different practice activities in this post too!
This humorous video from Math Antics will help with mixed numbers and improper fractions. Use it with activities from this ULTIMATE list of fraction activities post that's packed with so many ideas to help reinforce fractions.
One of my favorite parts of our unit is this real world fraction project. It includes 13 pages that you can use as an extended project, for individual skill practice, math center work, enrichment, assessment, or independent study. This is also perfect review as test prep!
Elapsed Time
Elapsed time can be such a tricky skill, but this elapsed time video explains it nicely with several examples. Use the video along with these elapsed time strategy ideas in your next unit. My students LOVE going on an “Amazing Race” style mission while practicing their elapsed time skills. You can learn more about it and download the free digital version here.
There are numerous measurement and geometry standards to cover, but these math videos cover many of them!
- Shapes playlist
- Area and Perimeter song by Number Rock
- Volume (audio only)
You can also visit any of these blog posts for more geometry ideas. This post has a nice overview of how I teach most of our geometry standards. Your students will have so much fun in the city of shapes!
This post has a free volume toolkit packed with center activities.
Graphs and Data
This types of graphs math video goes into a lot of detail about the different types of graphs and when to use each one. You can read more about data in any of these blog posts, but this Teaching Data and Graphing post is a great place to start and goes along with the video to explain how I teach different data points.
Do you have favorite math videos?
I hope you found new math videos to mix up your math instruction. Do you have your own to share? Join our FREE Inspired In Upper Elementary Facebook group to be part of the next brainstorm!
The post Amazing Math Videos appeared first on Teaching with a Mountain View.