Cool Math by Tracie Young
Title: Cool Math
Author: Tracie Young
Publisher: Pavilion Books
ISBN: 9781843654483
If you don’t think math is cool or fun then you really need to read this book. If you’ve had trouble with math in the past you really need to read this book. If you love all things math then you really need to read this book.
This book may look small but within these pages readers will find Great Moments in math, multiplication, trigonometry, probability, formulas and so much more. Readers will learn how to use math for everday uses and some cool tricks for using math. There are also some uses for math regarding recipes.
Math has helped man walk on the moon. It’s also how we process and analyze data. Parents and teachers can use this guide as a tool to enlighten kids who have a loathing for math and to enhance the learning of kids who love it.
Courtesy of Media Masters Publicity