Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People » Jo Boaler: Math Evangelist, Author, and Stanford Professor | Remarkable People - Guy Kawasaki
Dr. Jo Boaler is an evangelist. Evangelism comes from a Greek word meaning “bringing the good news.” The good news that she brings is that there is a better way to teach math by Guy Kawasaki, chief evangelist of Canva and the creator of Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People podcast.
Listen to Dr. Jo Boaler on Remarkable People:
Jo started her career as a math teacher in secondary schools in London. Then she received a master’s and Ph.D. in math education from King’s College London.
She became an assistant professor of math education at Stanford and achieved a full professorship in 2006. She left Stanford to teach at Sussex University and then returned to Stanford in 2010.
She also co-founded a company called youcubed. This company sells mathematics education resources. Finally, she is the author of nine books. Her latest is called Limitless Mind: Learn, Lead, and Live Without Barriers.
In essence, Jo’s goal is to modernize the teaching of math. She believes in revamping the methods that have been around since the 1800s by removing rote memorization and timed tests.
Source: Guy Kawasaki
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