Homeschool Curriculum by Teaching Style

Choosing a homeschool curriculum is one of the biggest decisions for homeschool families. There are many different homeschooling styles and even more homeschool curriculum providers. So, how do you know which homeschool syle and curriculum is best for your family?

Choosing the best program for your goals and family learning style is the best way to ensure success. Here is a simple guide to homeschool curriculum by style to help you find the perfect one for you!
Charlotte Mason Homeschool Curriculum
Focuses on living books, nature study, and narration for assessment.
- The Gentle Feast: A complete curriculum that is family focused.
- Ambleside Online : A free, complete curriculum plan for all grade levels based on living books.
- Beautiful Feet: Learn through reading rich stories.
- Five in a Row: Weekly unit studies in social studies, art, applied math, language arts, and science based on excellent children’s literature.
- Blossom and Root Nature based, secular, complete curriculum.
- Heart of Dakota Christ-centered, literature-based program, and resource publisher.
- Sonlight Complete, Christian, homeschool curriculum that is literature based.
- The Good and the Beautiful Ecumenical, Charlotte Mason style, complete curriculum at a very affordable price.
- Queen Homeschool Christian, complete curriculum that focuses on habit training and character building.
- Masterbooks: Charlotte Mason inspired, biblical world view, complete curriculum that is designed for families.

Traditional Homeschooling Curriculum
Homeschool curriculum options based on traditional school model of textbooks and workbooks.
- Switched on Schoolhouse: A complete, Christian, online-based education that is interactive and multimedia-based.
- Abeka: A traditional curriculum created for brick and mortar Christian schools. Homeschool version includes scripted lessons for parents.
- Lifepac: A unit based curriculum designed for mastery by professional educators.
- Bob Jones University: Complete, biblical worldview curriculum with textbook, online, and DVD video course options.
- Christian Light: Complete, comprehensive, and accredited program that is workbook based.
- Christian Liberty Press: A complete curriculum that offers, accredited, comprehensive, and individual course options.
- Rod and Staff: Traditional, Mennonite curriculum that focuses on mastery of core subjects.
- Critical Thinking Company: A secular complete curriculum designed to build critical thinking, logic, and mental focus.
- Calvert: A secular, accredited, online academy for all grades.
- Bookshark: Literature based, secular program that is based on a 4 day school week.

Classical Homeschooling Curriculum
Rooted in classical education with an emphasis on language studies, history, and literature.
- Classical Conversations: Program developed specifically for homeschool families that offers a classical education through communities around the world.
- Learning Adventures: Hands-on, literature based curriculum with 180 days worth of lessons.
- My Father’s World: A combination of Charlotte Mason, classical education, and unit studies that is hands on with Christian worldview.
- Classical Academic Press: Creative and classical curriculum for all grades that includes complete, online, and self paced DVD course.
- Memoria Press: Christian worldview complete curriculum based on the Great Books, and liberal arts studies with online options.
- Tapestry of Grace: Hands-on, classical curriculum that is complete and flexible for Christian families.

Unit Study Homeschool Curriculum
Learning that teaches multiple subjects through a single topic or theme.
- Gather ‘Round: Charlotte Mason friendly, curriculum for families that is based on thematic weekly unit studies in nine subjects.
- Konos: Hands-on, unit studies that are designed for grades kindergarten through eighth grade to learn together.
- Magic Forest Academy: Secular, nature based, weekly unit studies that cover 52 weeks and are divided by season.
- Moving Beyond the Page: Complete, secular, unit based curriculum for gifted students.
- Our Star Spangled Story: A unit study based history program that is simplified into a textbook.
- Trail Guide to Learning: A Christian, complete curriculum centered on a series of unit studies that focuses on critical thinking skills.
- Unit Studies by Amanda Bennett: A wide array of unit studies that focus on topics in science, history, geography, and other topics.
- Winter Promise: Charlotte Mason and classical education based unit studies in themed or subject based categories.
- Techie Homeschool Mom: Digital based unit studies on a variety of topics.