How Teaching Kids Outdoors In The Fall Is Fun And Engaging

Teaching Outdoors In The Fall

It's back to school time again, but that doesn't mean you need to stay inside the classroom. Get outside and enjoy nature, exercise, and fresh air before it is too wet or cold and inside recess becomes the norm.

Science topics and ideas for outdoor study

Fall is the perfect time for science lessons for outdoors. There are many science topics that can be covered including plant life cycles, the water cycle, and the effects of weather.

Think of all the amazing questions you can investigate and discuss. Here are a few examples:

                                           Why is it called Fall?
                                           What causes the leaves to change color and fall off the trees?
                                           What are seasons? Why are there four?
​                                           Why do we set the clocks back an hour in the fall?

Fun Science Activities To Do

1. Take a nature walk and collect leaves of different colors. Talk about the different shapes, sizes, and textures        of the leaves.
2. Visit a pumpkin patch or apple orchard. Talk about how pumpkins and apples grow. 
    Compare the different types of apples: some are good for eating, some for baking, and some for cider.
3. Rake leaves into a big pile and jump in! Then, use leaf blowers to blow the leaves into the air.
    Kids will love playing in the pile of leaves and learning about wind power.
4. Go on a scavenger hunt. Look for acorns, pine cones, rocks, and other objects.
    Talk about the different colors, sizes, and shapes of the objects you find.

​These are just a few ideas – there are endless possibilities for learning about science outdoors in the fall! So put on your jacket and get outside – it's time to learn!

Take Math Lessons Outdoors

Math is another area that can be adapted to outdoor study. Think of all the data collection activities you can do. Comparing, contrasting, and classifying activities can be endless depending on what you choose to collect.

You can even create glyphs for data collected. These could be follow up activities for outside lessons.

​For example:
You could create a tree with leaves falling. The colors of the leaves, number of leaves left on the tree, shape of the leaves and number of branches could all represent different attributes of data collection.
If creating a glyph is something you would like to try, grab my free glyph templates.

                             Sign up for Diamond Mom's Treasury email list and get your free copy.

More ideas and activities

Geometry and measurement activities can also be done outdoors. There are many different shapes in our environment. A scavenger hunt or neighborhood walk would be a great way to find examples of the various 2D and 3D shapes. Area and perimeter are effective measurement activities to try outdoors. It could be fun to measure the school field, playground area, or the school building and then graph them. 

Many other subject areas could work well outside. Geography and mapping skills are some of my favorite. Check out this post for a few ideas for social studies outdoors.
Many lessons can be tailored to any grade level and can be adapted to fit the needs of any class size. With a little creativity, lessons outdoors can be an enjoyable and educational experience for all.

So hurry up, beat the inside recess rush, and get outside to learn.
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