How to Become a Homeschool Tutor

If you love sharing knowledge with students but you don't necessarily want to teach in a formal classroom setting, homeschool tutoring could be the perfect path for you. Often, parents who homeschool their children will hire tutors to help out in subjects they don't know a lot about—especially once their kids start studying more advanced subjects. If homeschool students are allowed to have outside tutors in the area where you live, give this fun and rewarding career a try!


[Edit]Do you have to be certified to be a homeschool tutor?

  1. The laws will vary depending on where you live. In some places, you might be required to have a certified teaching certificate, or you might be limited to a certain number of hours tutoring a single family. In other areas, there are almost no regulations around homeschool tutoring, so you may be able to work full-time for one family. Since these regulations differ so widely, it's important to research what you're allowed to do in the state or country you live in.[1]
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    • Some states in the US have laws that state that only the children's parents can teach them. In that case, you may not be able to legally work as a homeschool tutor.
    • If you live in the US, check the homeschool laws in your state at
    • In the homeschooling community, the terms "tutor" and "teacher" are often used interchangeably, especially if you work full-time—so pay attention to any laws that apply to teachers, as well.

[Edit]What qualifications do I need to be a homeschool tutor?

  1. List your education, teaching credentials, and experience on your resume. Keep in mind that even if a certain level of education isn't required where you live, parents who want to give their children a really competitive education might prefer to hire tutors who have a bachelor's or master's degree in the area they're teaching.[2] However, even if you don't have a formal teaching education, you might have more practical experience that makes you a good candidate—like being a published writer if you want to tutor in English.[3]
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    • Consider getting certified even if it's not required in your area—it might give you more of an edge when you're trying to find new students.[4]
    • Some parents will hire college students to work as a tutor, so if you're working toward a degree, include that as well.

[Edit]How much do homeschool tutors make?

  1. Most private tutors will earn about $13-20 an hour. If you're working independently—meaning you find your own students and work for the parents, rather than teaching through a tutoring program—you're free to set whatever rate you want as a tutor. However, that rate will fluctuate based on your experience and the area where you live, so it's a good idea to research what other tutors in your area are charging and work from there.[5]
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    • If you're especially qualified—like you're a licensed teacher or you have a master's degree in your field—you can charge more than if you're just starting out or you're still a student.

[Edit]What subjects should I tutor students in?

  1. Focus on 1-2 high school-level subjects. While some parents will hire tutors to teach a variety of different subjects, many homeschool parents are looking for tutors who can teach a particular, advanced subject. For instance, you might tutor in one or two areas like math, science, foreign languages, or enrichment, such as art, music, or drama.[6]
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    • Most parents will look to hire tutors who teach at the high-school level. If you want to tutor in math, for instance, you might advertise that you're available for pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.
    • Choose subjects that you're really knowledgeable and passionate about—it's important to be able to project excitement and confidence to your students![7]

[Edit]How do you find students to tutor?

  1. Network directly with homeschool families in your community. Get involved with your local homeschool groups—volunteer at events, chaperone trips, and drop by on park days. When you meet parents, introduce yourself as a homeschool tutor. Don't push your services on them, but do carry business cards in case they want to talk with you more about your services later.[8]
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  2. Join an online tutorial program for tutors. There are several online companies that hire homeschool tutors. These programs then provide you with a list of students and help you connect with students in your area. Some programs charge a small fee for joining, while others will get a commission once you're paid. However, they can sometimes help you reach more students, so you may still end up making more money than you would if you worked privately.[9]
    • A few popular tutoring programs include, WyZant,, and Hey Tutor.
  3. Ask your existing clients to refer you to their friends and peers. Once you have a few satisfied clients, ask them to help you spread the word. You might even create a reward program for parents who refer you to other parents, like offering a 10% discount on your services for 30 days or giving students a free hour of tutoring in exchange for each referral.[10]
    • Also, ask existing clients to leave online reviews or written testimonials about your services. Then, use those to promote yourself when you're talking to potential new clients.

[Edit]Should I tutor students online or in person?

  1. Consider doing both to reach a wider audience. Whether you're tutoring privately or through an online program, consider having a setup where you can tutor students over the web. This can really help you expand your reach—you might even be able to attract clients from outside of your local area. Even if you're teaching students in your area, though, it can be helpful to give them one-on-one support if they have a question in your off hours or you can't meet up face-to-face.[11]
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    • You can also get creative around how you offer your in-person services. For instance, in addition to tutoring students at your home or theirs, you might meet up classes at coffee shops, at a library, or in your home.

[Edit]Where can I find resourches for homeschool tutoring?

  1. Join a professional homeschool association for support. Homeschool tutoring is a relatively small field, so you might not be able to find many groups that provide resources specifically to tutors. However, there are plenty of groups that help homeschoolers with things like planning courses, learning new teaching techniques, and staying informed about local laws and regulations. Check out groups like the National Home School Association, Home School Legal Defense Association, and Association of American Educators to find information that could help you.[12]
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    • Also, look for local homeschooling support groups—they can be a great resource for everything from curriculum tips to field trip ideas![13]

[Edit]How do I come up with lessons for my students?

  1. Find ways to really engage students with what you're teaching. As a homeschool tutor, you'll be completely responsible for your whole curriculum, including how you test your students on what they're learning. Offer lesson plans that are tailored to your individual students and the way they learn best.[14] Remember, you're not bound by the traditional school structure, so find ways to make the subject as fun and interesting as possible for your students.[15]
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    • Try to come up with hands-on activities that help your students really explore what they're learning—they'll be more likely to absorb it that way. For example, if you have a student who struggles with math, you might use visual examples to help teach tough understand equations and formulas.[16]
    • To make the most use of your time, discuss what the student already understands before your first session. This will ensure you don't give them any material that's too easy or too challenging.[17]

[Edit]Should I set up an official business as a tutor?

  1. Talk to a certified public accountant (CPA) for advice. If you plan to work full-time as a homeschool tutor, registering as a business might make it easier to do your taxes at the end of the year. However, it's best to consult with an accountant for personalized advice, since that could vary depending on things like the laws in your state, how much you charge for your services, how many students you'll teach, and how many hours you plan to work.[18]
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    • If you establish yourself as a business, it may also give you more credibility as a homeschool tutor.
    • Also, let your accountant know if you plan to tutor in your home. They may advise you to set up a room especially for tutoring for tax purposes. They might also suggest that you upgrade your personal liability insurance in case a student were to get injured in your home.

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  14. [v161441_b01]. 4 August 2020.
  16. [v161441_b01]. 4 August 2020.
  17. [v161441_b01]. 4 August 2020.