Knowre Math
This cool tool is a 1st through 12th grade, standards-aligned, online math core supplement that pinpoints and addresses individual student learning gaps through its proprietary Walk Me Through technology (see above), embedded videos, and continuous formative assessment.
The program includes over 70,000 rigorous practice and real-world application problems (spanning 8,600+ skills) organized into topic-specific, scaffolded lessons. It’s called Knowre Math and its support is modeled after the one-on-one interaction between students and teachers. This individualized support brings scaffolded math instruction to the student when they need it, where they need it.
As student practice they have access to embedded instructional videos and personalized support in the form of Knowre’s Walk Me Through technology (WMT). The interactive WMT guides students using an engaging process that supports gap filling by having students actively demonstrate concept knowledge instead of reading passive hints. This focused skill development sets students up for success in lessons to come.
In addition to lessons, teachers can assign Target 10s. These algorithmically-generated question sets provide personalized, data-driven math practice on teacher-selected topic areas. These questions focus directly on filling unique learning gaps. For teachers, the Teacher Dashboard provides rich, textured insights on student learning across curriculum, classroom, and students. Teachers can easily identify topics and skills where students have not yet reached an independent problem-solving level and use that data to drive instructional decisions.
Knowre Math is priced on a per student subscription basis allowing schools to implement by grade-level, for an entire school, or district-wide. Additional licensing options allow multi-year purchasing for optimum cost savings. Knowre Math earned a Cool Tool Award for “Best E-learning, Blended, Flipped or Remote Learning Solution” (finalist) as part of The EdTech Awards 2022 from EdTech Digest. Learn more.
The post Knowre Math appeared first on EdTech Digest.