Merey’s Curriculum Review: Building Thinking Skills Level 1
Disclosure: I received this complimentary product through the Homeschool Review Crew.
Reviewing Building Thinking Skills Level 1 from The Critical Thinking Co. with my grandson brought back sweet memories of long ago. My daughter Julianna and son Jimmy loved Building Thinking Skills back in the day. Yes, it’s updated and more fun, but the same educational quality I’ve always appreciated.

Our Experience with Building Thinking Skills
My grandchildren come over once a week. My oldest grandson and I worked on the Building Thinking Skills Level 1. He was fascinated that it opened with shapes–learning about angles and sides.
He picked up the new material right away. He was able to do the work independently every time and wanted to do more pages when it was time to finish.
Things We Learned
Being only seven, he had not heard of hexagons or trapezoids, but picked up the information quickly. Like his uncle, he really enjoyed the way the book presented the material.
During our review time, we learned about shapes, position, finding shapes inside patterns, and matching shapes. The book also covers sequence, classification, analogies, similarities and differences, and much more!

How Building Thinking Skills Was Part of Our Homeschool Day
Building Thinking Skills was not part of my grandson’s homeschool day. It was actually a treat for him during “Grandpa and Grand-Merey Night” where we usually eat a fun meal and build something or watch a movie.
He does, though, want to add this to his homeschool day. So, does his younger brother who wants his own book!
What We Liked About Building Thinking Skills
We both loved the bright colors and easy-to-understand directions. I like that learning thinking skills can be so easy and fun!
We also enjoyed the variety. If ten pages were devoted to a topic, it was presented differently each time so it was never boring or repetitive.

Who Will Benefit from Building Thinking Skills
Every child will benefit from learning thinking skills. I think most children will like the book, but some kids will just love it!
How to Add Building Thinking Skills to Your Homeschool Day
Instead of adding it to Language Arts time, I would suggest, letting kids work on the book once a week and do as many pages as they want to.

More About The Critical Thinking Co.
Some of The Critical Thinking Co.’s resources are complete curriculum for an entire school year. Other resources are supplemental.
You can learn more about more on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube.
One of my favorite things is that they offer FREE Math and Critical Thinking worksheets. Check them out HERE–just download and go!

Read More Reviews
Would you like to learn more about Building Thinking Skills and other curriculum from The Critical Thinking Co.? You can read more reviews from the TOS Review Crew HERE.
Check Out Our Review Crew Blog
I also encourage you to check out The Old Schoolhouse’s Review Crew Blog. You can read reviews on all kinds of homeschooling products for all ages.
Until next time, Happy Homeschooling!
Meredith Curtis