My Goals for 2021: Week 32 of 52

This post contains affiliate links.  My, but we’re having a rough start to the new school year.  Bookworm is back in his fall semester at an online school.  He thought he was only going to have to take Algebra II to finish his math credits, but about a week before the semester started, he discovered he would also have to take Pre-Calc.  For my non-math kid, this was a tough blow.  Luckily, he’s always taken summer classes, so he only has to take English 12 and homeroom besides the math classes to get enough credit to graduate.  Give us a few more weeks, and things should settle down around here.  😉

Here are my goals for 2021: Week 32 of 52:

My 2020 Weight Loss Results
Photo by Free To Use Sounds on Unsplash

What I Accomplished This Week

Return all my books to the library except three.

Yes.  I finally figured out why I’m in a reading slump!!  I joined a FB book group, and they are constantly suggesting books that they loved.  I check these books out from the library, but they’re not the genres I like, and I find them hard to get into.  When you’re in a group with thousands of people who have different preferred genres than you, you’re going to find a lot of books you don’t like.  For now, I’m going back to my list of the 40 historical books I want to read in 2021 to guide my reading choices.

40 Best Historical Books I Want to Read in 2021

Oh, and I finally finished How the One-Armed Sister Sweeps Her House.

Follow along to Bible in a Year for 5 episodes.

Yes.  I completed 7 episodes this week!

Replace the sliding glass door handle.

No.  The handle came, but this is my husband’s job.  He’s working on writing a grant that is taking all of his time, so maybe he can do this by next week.

Walk at least a mile  a day 6 days this week.

No.  I walked a mile three times this week.

Organize the pantry.

No, but it’s half done.

Do a freezer inventory.

Yes!  I did this before I did a big grocery store stock up.  Are you noticing that buying groceries now is ridiculously expensive?

Complete one lesson in the Pinterest course I have.

No.  However, I did watch two YouTube videos on SEO.

Listen to one healthy living podcast.


Write in my journal three times this week.

No.  I wrote just once.  It was my first time writing in my journal in a month!

Watch the first lesson in Driver’s Ed in a Box and take Bookworm out twice for driving practice.

No.  I don’t know about you, but I was so excited to learn how to drive.  Not Bookworm.  He’s dragging his heels.  If he gets a driver’s license by 18, I’ll be amazed.

Goals for This Week

Let’s hope next week I accomplish more goals.  You’ll notice a lot of repeats since this last week I wasn’t exactly smashing goals out of the ball park.

  • Read 200 pages in The House in the Cerulean Sea.
  • Follow along to Bible in a Year for 5 episodes.
  • Replace the sliding glass door handle.
  • Walk at least 25 minutes at a 2.9 mph pace five days this week.
  • Do two strength training sessions.
  • Organize the pantry
  • Complete one lesson in the Pinterest course for the blog.
  • Listen to one healthy living podcast.
  • Write in my journal three times this week.
  • Watch the first lesson in Driver’s Ed in a box and take Bookworm out twice for driving practice.

How are your goals going for 2021?

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