Star Assessments and Nearpod Connection

In an effort to help teachers better and more easily connect assessment results with effective instructional solutions, Renaissance has connected two of the most widely used tools in education: Nearpod and Star Assessments.

Nearpod features more than 22,000 standards-aligned interactive lessons, interactive videos, games, and other learning activities. Once teachers get an overall picture of their students’ math and reading abilities with Star Assessments, this data becomes actionable when they click on the new “Plan Instruction with Nearpod” button right in the Star Record Book. From there, they choose to see recommended resources for the whole class, small groups, or individual students.

Thanks to this new connection, teachers can now also link the prerequisite skills a student may need to learn to lessons in Nearpod. Students can then immediately begin practicing those skills by seamlessly engaging in targeted areas using interactive tools, resources, and content.

Recommended Nearpod resources are available to educators through the English language versions of Star Early Literacy, Star Reading, Star Math, and Star CBM. Teachers simply sign up for a free Nearpod account to share the recommended resources with their students. Star Math also recommends free resources from the Nearpod library, and recommends additional premium resources from the Nearpod Math Program. Learn more

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